Coaching Trivia

This site is now dormant. A past critique of what was happening in coaching 2006 to 2008 with the objective to promote the best and challenge the rest.
Once again, Milana Leshinsky again is bringing top experts, business owners and coaches to show you some of the best ways to use leverage in your business. These people know how to make the most out of their time, what strategies to use for maximum results and that's why are so successful. The entire Coaching Telesummit is designed to help you inject Leverage into your business.
If you have attended ACCPOW Coaching Telesummit previously, you're already familiar with this information.
But if this is your first time, let me take a moment and share the top 4 things that are probably on your mind right now:
1. Where will this event be held?
The entire tele-summit is held over a telephone bridgeline.
2. How long does the tele-summit last?
The tele-summit lasts 8 weekdays starting January 22nd, and runs between 12:30 pm and 3:00 pm EST (New York time).
3. What if I cannot attend all training sessions?
Thanks to the wonders of technology, each call will be recorded and made available online along with handouts within 48 hours in both, downloadable MP3 and Live Stream formats.
4. How can I actively participate in the tele-summit?
This event wouldn't be the same without the participance of its "students." You can send your questions before, during or after each training session via e-mail or Instant Messenger.As someone who is both a coach and consultant AND passionate about the proper use of assessments, I often think that coaches lack a solid theoretical framework. So while this isn't an inexpensive program, I was so glad to see that someone, in this case, Results Coaching Systems out of Australia is providing this training.
Theoretical Foundations in Coaching begins Feb. 5, 2007 - led by David Rock, author of Quiet Leadership
Join David and special guests for 3 months of intensive study of the science behind leadership development and coaching. Explore the links between neuroscience, change theory, learning theory, positive psychology, systems theory and other important domains.
About this program
Coaching draws on many related domains, which include philosophy, behavioral science, solution-focused therapy, systems thinking, and the study of the brain. Examine where this new field has come from and where it is heading in this course.
Understand the scientific basis behind any coaching framework. Broaden your understanding of a wide range of fields linking coaching theory and practice while coaching others.
Topics include a study of how systems work; an understanding of how people change; the principles of adult learning theory, management development theory and psychology.
Lead Trainer: David Rock, founder Results Coaching Systems and author of Quiet Leadership
Dates and Time: Mondays beginning February 5, 2007 at 8:00 – 9:30 PM ET
Format: 12 x 90 minute group tele-conferencing classes
Sessions may include theory, discussion, tools, role-plays, group work, case studies and readings.
Register for the training online.
Who this program is for: Executives, professionals, coaches who'd like to learn more about the origins of coaching.
Do you want to be coached by MindMentor, an internet coaching robot. MindMentor guides the user through a basic NLP process. Depth is added by using a projection procedure (somewhat similar to a Rorschach test). Apparently in his first month on line, MindMentor did 582 coaching sessions and achieved a solution percentage of 55%. That is: people who finished their session with him solved their problem for 55% on average. His creators, Dutch psychologists Jaap Hollander and Jeffrey Wijnberg are said to be somewhat euphoric about this result. Right now, they see MindMentor as an intern; a beginning electronic coach/therapist who is showing great promise but who still needs to learn a lot. In order to help him learn, they would like him to do as many coaching sessions as possible. Therefore they have decided to offer his services free of charge. You are invited to work with him as often as you like and to refer any colleagues, friends and students to him. This offer lasts for the month of December.
We want to alert you to a potential opportunity for you to get media coverage in your local area. The ICF Communications Department has been working with the Today Show, a large national morning show on the NBC television network in the United States. They have developed a segment on great gifts to give for the holidays and have agreed to highlight coaching.
We just received word today that the segment is currently scheduled to air on Wednesday, December 13 at 9:30 a.m. (United States Eastern Standard Time). Please note that the segment may be moved or cancelled depending on the news of the day.
With the holiday season approaching in many areas of the world, and the awareness of coaching growing steadily, it is logical that people would be very interested in purchasing the gift of coaching for friends and loved ones. If you'd like to promote this gift, we've developed a sample media release to be distributed to your local media, and a sample gift certificate. You can download both of these items to assist you with promotion in your local area.
Please feel free to modify the tools to make them most useful for your company and specific area of the world.
We sincerely hope that you find these tools useful. Please let us know if you have any questions.
Best regards,
Kim Livesay and Ann Belcher
ICF Communications Department
While I am not personally trained by IAC, I do think that the assistance offered by Julia Stewart is excellent - no matter what your coach background or preferences may be.
They have just received word from the ICF that their Conversation Among Masters program has been approved for 19. For those of you seeking CEU units to apply toward credentialing renewal or obtaining a credential this is good news.