Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Career Coaching Competencies Survey

Here is an email that came across my desk today that might be of interest to you:



My name is John-Paul Hatala and I am presently conducting a study looking at Career Coaching Competencies. I was hoping that you would volunteer to fill out a survey which looks at specific career coaching skills and abilities. The study is an attempt to empirically validate a list of skills and abilities for career coaches. Once the surveys have been tabulated, the items will be statistically placed into groupings at which point the competencies will be labeled.

If you leave your email address at the survey site, you will be provided with a final report as well as an assessment on your coaching skills. In addition, you will be able to compare your ratings with other coaches around the world.

To access the survey, please go to

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thanking you in advance.

John-Paul Hatala Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Department of Human Resource and Leadership Development

Louisiana State University

111 Old Forestry Bldg.

Baton Rouge, LA, 70808


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Thursday, June 15, 2006

Article: What is Emotional Intelligence?

Whether you like assessments or not - they are an important issue for us as coaches. Besides the concern around using assessments, what kind becomes even more burdensome. This whole area of Emotional Intelligence continues to fascinate and irritate many - including me. As "the assessment expert" for coaches, I have had difficulty recommending various tools when I get requests. I have finally decided to adopt the Genos - both for its rigor and because of my support of the work that Joseph Liberti does with EQatWork. Meanwhile, I continue to be disappointed in some of the instruments on the market and think that many coaches are not getting the information that they need to make an informed decision.

Here is a great article on the whole topic of Emotional Intelligence that I liked so much that I asked Kathleen if I could post the whole article on my AssessmentsNow Blog. Please, do visit her site if you enjoy the material.

What is Emotional Intelligence?

A free feature to print off and read written by Life Coach Kathleen Ruth Hadikin.

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Friday, June 09, 2006

Announcement: Canadian ICF Coaches

Dear Canadian ICF Members,

Coaches Canada would like to announce that nominations are now being accepted for The 2007 Canadian Coach of the Year Award. This award is open to all ICF coaches in Canada, according to the eligibility guidelines outlined in the nomination package. Nominations are accepted from both nominators (on behalf of the nominee) and by nominees themselves (self-nomination). The nomination package is available for download (French version will be available by June 30th) on the Coaches Canada website, . The deadline for submission is September 15th.

This is the second year of the Award, which is brought to you by Coaches Canada. The winner for 2006, announced at last year's ICF conference, is Michael Bungay Stanier. Congratulations once again to Michael! Coaches Canada is pleased to support such a unique and worthwhile recognition of coaches in Canada and we need your support to continue doing so. Please consider joining Coaches Canada!

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the volunteers on the Canadian Coach of the Year Award Committee, with special mention to Jean-Pierre Bekier for stepping in at the 11-hour hour to help with French translation. Without all of you, this award would not be possible.

Bring on those nominations!

Warm regards,

Chers Membres canadiens de ICF,

Coaches Canada vous annonce que les nominations sont maintenant acceptées pour 2007. Cette récompense est ouverte à tous les coachs membre d'ICF au Canada, selon les indications d'éligibilité précisées dans le formulaire de nomination. Une personne peut présenter la nomination d'un coach ou c'est le coach lui-même qui peut présenter sa propre nomination. Le formulaire de nomination est disponible pour le chargement (la version française sera disponible vers le 20 juin) sur notre site Web : La date limite pour la soumission des candidatures est le : 15 septembre.

C'est la deuxième année que cette récompense est offerte par Coaches Canada. Le vainqueur pour 2006, annoncé à la conférence de ICF de l'année dernière, fut Michael Bungay Stanier. Avec toutes nos félicitations à Michael ! De façon à soutenir une telle reconnaissance unique et de valeur pour le coaching au Canada, Coaches Canada à besoin de votre soutien pour continuer à agir dans ce sens alors s'il vous plaît, rejoignez Coaches Canada !

Nous aimerions saisir cette occasion pour remercier tous les volontaires du comité de « La récompense du coach Canadien de l'année » avec la mention spéciale à Jean-Pierre Bekier pour son aide dans la traduction française. Sans vous tous, cette récompense ne serait pas possible.

Présentez vos nominations !

Sincères salutations

Sue McKee, B.Sc., MBA, CPCC - Nomination Committee Chair
on behalf of the Canadian Coach of the Year Award Committee:

Sheila Kelly, BA, CPCC - Committee Chair
Colin Holbrow, BA, MNRM, CPCC - ICF Liaison
Jamie Pritchard, BA - Selection Committee Chair
Michael Bungay Stanier, BA, LLB, M.Phil, CPCC - 2006 Canadian Coach of the Year
Sue Edwards, BA, CHRP, ACC - Member at Large

Visit us at

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Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Article Christian Science Monitor: Haven't scored the good life yet? Hire a coach!

Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor from the June 05, 2006 edition.

Thanks to Stephanie West Allen for this article as posted in NewCoachConnection Yahoo Group.

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Article New York Times: Skilled Traveler? Good Coach

Published: June 6, 2006

It is wonderful to read this article about a special niche in coaching: "travelling" and see a couple of names of my colleagues - Donna Karlan from my "home town" of Ottawa and a great coach - Ernest F. Oriente. Here is an excerpt.

More business travelers appear to be catching the coaching bug.

Natalie Tucker Miller, president of the International Association of Coaches, said the group's membership had been growing. And while she does not have numbers specifically on travel coaches, she says she believes their numbers are increasing. "All kinds of specific needs for coaching are popping up, travel being one of the crucial areas," she said. "When people are away from their normal routine, it can invite all kinds of unexpected scenarios."

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Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Article from The Myths of Coaching

Written by Dave Marchant, Developing People Ltd.

I loved this article. It is very well presented and I while don't agree 100 percent I think it is balanced. You will have to regiser for a free account but I think you will find it worthwhile. Here are just a couple provocative "myths" and then the author's perspective on it from his coaching experience with people from various organisations in the UK & Europe:
  • You need to be an expert . . .
  • You need to have a formal coaching qualification . . .
  • You should not coach a manager and someone reporting to them . . .
  • You cannot coach someone in their office . . .
  • You shouldn’t coach peers from the same team . . .
  • You cannot listen attentively and take notes at the same time . . .

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Friday, June 02, 2006

Resource: "Coachletter" from Coaching Interactive (Israel)

I continue to be amazed at all of the coach resources that are "out there" and not just in America or Britain. As part of the activities at Coaching Interactive, they have decided to publish a monthly magazine Coachletter. I think that the articles and the authors are top notch.

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Thursday, June 01, 2006

Fast Company Article: Coaching: The Fad that Won’t Go Away

by Jim Bolt

Five suggestions for getting the most out of a coach.

I ended my last column noting that we would examine three very popular leadership development methods (Action Learning, Coaching, and Leader-Led Learning) in more depth. So let’s start with executive coaching, which is now a billion-dollar industry experiencing explosive growth. Frankly, it wasn’t very long ago that having coach was sort of a dirty little secret -- you kept it to yourself.
Read the rest by clicking here. There are some very interesting statistics from a study that they conducted.
However, the vast majority of our respondents indicated “leader development” to be the primary reason coaches were engaged. The biggest change is from coaching being used as “fix it tool” for leaders with problems, to helping successful leaders get even better. In many firms, having a coach is seen as a badge of honor. And we found that coaching now reaches into the highest levels: 43% of CEOs and 71% of the senior executive team had worked with a coach. And here's the bottom-line: 63% of organizations say they plan to increase their use of coaching over the next five years. Most telling, 92% of leaders being coached say they plan to use a coach again.

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Resource Tool: We Organize U Ezine

As coaches besides stress and balance, one of the things that comes up as an issue for clients (especially in Life Coaching) is around clutter. Helen Buttigieg has a great We Organize U Ezine entitled: Monthly Tips on Organizing Your Home, Your Office & Your Life

Here is just one idea from this month'e edition that has nothing to do with work, but I liked it:
Picture this.

Before putting framed artwork in storage, take a picture of it. Then wrap it in kraft paper and tape the photo to the front so you can easily see what's inside. Use acid-free tissue paper under the kraft paper for valuable pieces. Stack the frames on their side (not flat) and store in a safe corner.

(c) Copyright 2006 by Hellen Buttigieg, We Organize U. Reprinted with permission from the We Organize U Newsletter. Visit
Request your free subscription at or send a blank email to:

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