Monday, January 21, 2008

Big Deal - New York Times Article - Coaches Wanted in the Game of Life

Why we continue to be amazed when some serious magazine or newspaper or television show mentions coaching is beyond me. I had thought we had got passed all of this "poor cousin" sort of attitude. But no, along comes this article andon every listserve and ezine and web site - it is announced with great fanfare. Now, I realize that I am contributing to the frenzy but at least I decided to wait one week and make it about my comments on the coaccing industry instead.

Isn't is rather pathetic that almost ten years later, the most important ROI study that we continue to use as a reference is the Manchester Study OR the best article we love to send out is a half dozen years old from Fortune Magazine.

I don't even bother to use any google alerts which contain the word coaching or any variations. I have way better things to do. Maybe that is why I find it more and more hard to post to this blog as well. Anyone interested in taking over - it really is a great URL if nothing else, is welcome to contact me.

Meanwhile, I hope your year is off to a great and prosperous start.

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Multi Media Expert Serices by choice magazine - good start but good luck trying to find it online

choice, the magazine of professional coaching is now celebrating their 4th anniversary.
choice is a magazine totally devoted to coaching, read by people who use coaching extensively in their work and personal lives. It is a quarterly, color, printed, 52-page publication distributed by paid circulation to subscribers in 28 countries and via newsstands in the USA.

I don't find their web site all that user friendly and while they have in the past had two written articles in their expert series, Are you Managing or Developing Your Organization and Coaching as a Leadership Tool I could not find anything online for the following:

choice, the Magazine of Professional Coaching has a new service for the start of 2008 and it looks like a great kick-off. The first two offerings of Multi Media Expert Series features coaches/authors Deborah Gallant and Diana Sterling. It is free and open to the first 200 participants. You will be sent a downloadable pdf article, and after the call, you will receive a link to download the MP3 audio. For non-registrants, the article download/MP3 Audio packages will be available, for sale, on our website, after the calls. So if you are interested, go and register to get access even if you can't show up to hear the call.

Stop Ignoring the Internet!
With Deborah Gallant
Wednesday, January 30th, 4 p.m. EST

Transforming Lives
With Diana Sterling
Wednesday February 20th, 4 p.m. EST

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Thursday, January 17, 2008

ICF European Coaching Conference 2008

"Connecting Worlds" is the theme of the ICF European Coaching Conference 2008 which is in Geneva, Switzerland (my home town) and is running from June 26th to 28th of this year. The registration has just opened but unfortunately you can't find a full time schedule or anything about speakers. They are started taking calls for speakers this week. I know some of the people organizing and I am sure that they are doing the best they can. This is a major undertaking but unless they get moving, the turnout is going to be low. I wish them luck.

To take advantage of the ECC2008 Early Bird rates, visit to register before 15 February 2008 and save your place. Tricky since you don't know what you are signing up for and the price is steep. Payment is in Swiss Francs as opposed to Euros which is a shame. You will need to do your own calculation.

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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Sherpa Executive Coaching Survey Results

Results of the third annual Sherpa Executive Coaching Survey have just been released today, Tuesday , January 15, 2008.

To download the full report at no charge, visit:

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Thursday, January 10, 2008

Conversation Among Masters - early registration and more news on presenters.

Unlike some of the other conferences coming up, CAM is doing a great job of updating and keeping us informed. The latest announcement is thatBerman Fortgang will be the Host. Chekc th eweb site out for more speakers and special arrangements. I won't be able to attend but so far this year, this looks like the best bet.

A Conversation Among Masters - CAM '08 is happening on April 6 - 9 at the Grove Park Inn in Asheville, NC but the Advance Pricing (as in Early Bird) registration rate will end on January 31st if you are thinking of attending, now is the time to register.

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