Big Deal - New York Times Article - Coaches Wanted in the Game of Life
Why we continue to be amazed when some serious magazine or newspaper or television show mentions coaching is beyond me. I had thought we had got passed all of this "poor cousin" sort of attitude. But no, along comes this article andon every listserve and ezine and web site - it is announced with great fanfare. Now, I realize that I am contributing to the frenzy but at least I decided to wait one week and make it about my comments on the coaccing industry instead.
Isn't is rather pathetic that almost ten years later, the most important ROI study that we continue to use as a reference is the Manchester Study OR the best article we love to send out is a half dozen years old from Fortune Magazine.
I don't even bother to use any google alerts which contain the word coaching or any variations. I have way better things to do. Maybe that is why I find it more and more hard to post to this blog as well. Anyone interested in taking over - it really is a great URL if nothing else, is welcome to contact me.
Meanwhile, I hope your year is off to a great and prosperous start.

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