Multi Media Expert Serices by choice magazine - good start but good luck trying to find it online
choice, the magazine of professional coaching is now celebrating their 4th anniversary.
choice is a magazine totally devoted to coaching, read by people who use coaching extensively in their work and personal lives. It is a quarterly, color, printed, 52-page publication distributed by paid circulation to subscribers in 28 countries and via newsstands in the USA.
I don't find their web site all that user friendly and while they have in the past had two written articles in their expert series, Are you Managing or Developing Your Organization and Coaching as a Leadership Tool I could not find anything online for the following:
choice, the Magazine of Professional Coaching has a new service for the start of 2008 and it looks like a great kick-off. The first two offerings of Multi Media Expert Series features coaches/authors Deborah Gallant and Diana Sterling. It is free and open to the first 200 participants. You will be sent a downloadable pdf article, and after the call, you will receive a link to download the MP3 audio. For non-registrants, the article download/MP3 Audio packages will be available, for sale, on our website, after the calls. So if you are interested, go and register to get access even if you can't show up to hear the call.
Stop Ignoring the Internet!
With Deborah Gallant
Wednesday, January 30th, 4 p.m. EST
Transforming Lives
With Diana Sterling
Wednesday February 20th, 4 p.m. EST

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