Article: What is Emotional Intelligence?
Whether you like assessments or not - they are an important issue for us as coaches. Besides the concern around using assessments, what kind becomes even more burdensome. This whole area of Emotional Intelligence continues to fascinate and irritate many - including me. As "the assessment expert" for coaches, I have had difficulty recommending various tools when I get requests. I have finally decided to adopt the Genos - both for its rigor and because of my support of the work that Joseph Liberti does with EQatWork. Meanwhile, I continue to be disappointed in some of the instruments on the market and think that many coaches are not getting the information that they need to make an informed decision.
Here is a great article on the whole topic of Emotional Intelligence that I liked so much that I asked Kathleen if I could post the whole article on my AssessmentsNow Blog. Please, do visit her site if you enjoy the material.
What is Emotional Intelligence?
A free feature to print off and read written by Life Coach Kathleen Ruth Hadikin.

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