Training: 3rd and Final ACCPOW Coaching Telesummit: Power of Leverage - January 22-31, 2007
Once again, Milana Leshinsky again is bringing top experts, business owners and coaches to show you some of the best ways to use leverage in your business. These people know how to make the most out of their time, what strategies to use for maximum results and that's why are so successful. The entire Coaching Telesummit is designed to help you inject Leverage into your business.
The past two Telesummit were very successful, well received and while I didn't attend, the feedback to me was that it was certainly value added. This is not an affiliate link - something that Milana has really been effective in leveraging - it is just a link for you to see if this is something that interests you.
New to the Coaching Telesummit? Here Are the FourThings You Want To Know
If you have attended ACCPOW Coaching Telesummit previously, you're already familiar with this information.
But if this is your first time, let me take a moment and share the top 4 things that are probably on your mind right now:
1. Where will this event be held?
The entire tele-summit is held over a telephone bridgeline.
2. How long does the tele-summit last?
The tele-summit lasts 8 weekdays starting January 22nd, and runs between 12:30 pm and 3:00 pm EST (New York time).
3. What if I cannot attend all training sessions?
Thanks to the wonders of technology, each call will be recorded and made available online along with handouts within 48 hours in both, downloadable MP3 and Live Stream formats.
4. How can I actively participate in the tele-summit?
This event wouldn't be the same without the participance of its "students." You can send your questions before, during or after each training session via e-mail or Instant Messenger.

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