Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Initital Results - Sherpa Executive Coaching Survey

The Sherpa Executive Coaching Survey closed on December 15th, 2007. Within 72 hours, preliminary results were published in a major daily newspaper. Compete results and analysis will be available on January 15, 2008. Here's the article:
Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday December 18, 2007

Poll: Executive coaches asked to develop leaders


Companies that pay for coaching for senior executives expect results to focus on leadership development, according to the third annual international survey from Sherpa Coaching of West Chester Township.

The company, which teaches coaching as a profession to students at three universities, surveyed executive coaches from 35 countries, but centered on the U.S.

This year's survey was co-sponsored by the Tandy Center for Executive Leadership at Texas Christian University in Fort Worth. The survey, which has grown from 550 respondents in 2005 to 1,300 in 2007, has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.

Sherpa offered university-level executive coaching programs at TCU, Penn State University and the University of Georgia.

"The industry is placing more and more importance on certification and more and more coaches are getting certified," said Karl Corbett, managing partner at Sherpa, founded in 2004.

"We're finding less and less 'as-needed' coaching. People are going to regular meetings. People also want a more limited scope - six months or less."

The survey found:

Nine of 10 human resources professionals and clients see the value of coaching as "very high" or "somewhat high." The number of business people who rate the credibility of coaching as "very high" or "somewhat high" was 74 percent, up 7 percentage points from last year.

The number of people in the discipline who report employers paying for services increased from 71 percent in 2006 to 78 percent in 2007.

More than half of practicing executive coaches believe that a standardized approach to coaching - similar to the standards created for the accounting and financial planning professions - is essential if the discipline is to grow in importance.

The original article is on line at

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Saturday, December 15, 2007

Special Xmas offer by Choice Magazine

Order choice as a gift during the month of December and they will send your recipient a pdf version of their Premier issue What is Coaching? and include a "gift card" from you, and a 1 year subscription of four more issues of choice. (volume 6, issues 1-4)

This offer expires on December 25th!

Gift Subscription Offer

$39.95 includes 1 YR Subscription to choice
PLUS our Premier Issue PDF download.

Click here to order now!


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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Upcoming Coaching Events as announced by Peer Resources

Several coaching conferences and training events are scheduled over the next few months. A selection of those in-person events from the Peer Resources website ( are mentioned but you need to go the site to see them all. Even better, subscribe to the newsletter!

3rd National Coaching Psychology Conference
December 17-18, 2007
City University, London, England
Tel: 020 8390 7717 (Between 9am-5pm UK time)

International Consortium for Coaching Organizations Symposium
January 9-11, 2008
Oslo, Norway

International Coaching Week
February 3-9, 2008

International Consortium for Coaching Organizations Symposium
February 21-22, 2008
Pepperdine University, West Los Angeles, California

Association for Coaching International Conference
March 13-14, 2008
Victoria Plaza Hotel, London, England
Call for papers/presentations (Deadline: May 20, 2007)

Request a speaker submission form from

A Conversation Among MastersApril 6-9, 2008
Grove Park Inn Resort, Asheville, North Carolina

International Consortium for Coaching Organizations Symposium
April 17-19, 2008
Toronto, Ontario

Coaching Freedom Cruise
April 20-27, 2008
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida departure to Caribbean ports
(888) 259-9191 ext 1262

ICF European Conference
June 12-14, 2008
Geneva, Switzerland
(888) 423-3131 or (859) 219-3580

Global Convention on Coaching
July, 2008 (five days)

ICF International Conference
November 12-15, 2008
Palais des congres de Montreal, Montreal, Quebec
(888) 423-3131 or (859) 219-3580

For additional coaching events, go to They only list in-person events that are a minimum of a full-day in length. (Peer Resources Network members can have their in-person events added at no cost. To add an event, contact Rey Carr at


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The Best Magazine in Coaching

I have mentioned The Coaching News before and each addition provides more than one pearl of wisdom. I strongly suggest subscribing by sending an email to

This month includes upcoming coaching events, the latest in coaching publications and articles, and what is new in coaching schools (regular features). There is usually an interesting guest article this month by Bill Dueease on "How Teens and Young Adults Relate to Life Coaching"

The Coaching News is a publication of Peer Resources (, and is distributed at no cost to subscribers every 45-60 days. Back issues of The Coaching News are available at ( All articles are written by Rey Carr unless otherwise indicated. Anyone who would like to contribute an article or information for an upcoming issue of the newsletter can contact Rey Carr at

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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Trying to define what you do in coaching?

interested in the coaching process. I have been a fan of Nick Askew's since I discovered it a few years ago. Here is a mid-week film and description by Nick for all coaches, and those interested in the coaching process.

intangibly inarticulatable

OK - I made the word up. Inarticulatable. Spellcheck told me I was a fool. But I knew that.

The essence of the coaching process is intangible. Perhaps even 'inarticulatable'. But how amusing might it be to provoke an Englishman to attempt the impossible. A description with mere words.

Not a monday9am film but a Nic Askew commissioned film from earlier in the year. The point - to capture the subject (Simon Tyler) as he really is ... on film & with no place to hide. The edit was highly amusing to the me throughout.

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Sunday, December 09, 2007

My rant on the challenges with Google and Blogger

While I had mentioned in the past that I don't have the time to keep this up to date, I have been even more remiss in posting. Why you wonder? Because ever since Google purchased Blogger - it has been impossible for me to figure out what to do. After at least a couple of hours - I am up and running again. It is not because the switch over isn't a good thing - there are more options now with Blogger such as "categories". It is not because the instructions where complicated - it was straight forward once I realized that I had to sign into the old account and then switch over. I take responsibility for that confusion.

IT WAS BECAUSE NO MATTER WHAT I TRIED I COULDN'T GET BLOGGER IN ANYTHING BUT GERMAN. In attempts to be so efficient, even when I typed in - it would recognize my ISP as coming from Switzerland and insist on redirecting me to I didn't see this for some time and when I did it took me awhile to find the place where it would actually take me to the .com So now I know the challenges but I am still not sure how to get around it on a daily basis. I have given up on going to blogs managed by Blogger because, again it insist that I want to read it in German. Strange when you thing that Switzerland has four official languages including Italian and French. How come they are an option? Not that I really want to read the post in anything but English (not an official language) but even my French is better than my German.

Imagine travelling to another country that doesn't speak English. You sign on with your laptop and go to and who know what you will get. Sometimes in the effort to be customer focus - they just plain screw up.

On a totally different note . . . am I the only one that can't ever type in the word verification properly the first time? In fact it usually takes me twice - especially if there is a g or q - which I always seem to misread.


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