You Can't Really Escape Who You Are
You may or may not be familiar with Second Life (see my post on PersonalityTestsNow blog) but idea of creating anew identity isn't new in life or online. But I couldn't help but smile when I saw this article: Man hires Second Life coach
It begins:
A North London man who had become dissatisfied with things were going for him in his virtual world of Second Life, has hired a life coach to help him find some meaning and direction in his internet-based alternative reality.
And ends:
‘I got fed up with her’ he explained. ‘Last week she was so full of clichés and platitudes; it was like ‘Second Life is what you make it.’ And ‘you only get out of Second Life as much as you put in.’ She even started going on about this whole other world called First Life, where you had to face up to your problems. She was just like the life coach I used to see in my normal life.’