Training: 2007 Is Your Last Chance For IAC Certification
2007 is your last chance for IAC Certification with the 15 Certified Coach Proficiencies. After this year, you will need to learn and demonstrate the new IAC technology. Why should you care?**
• The Proficiencies are thoroughly vetted. It took three years for
instructors and certifiers to fully understand and score them consistently, so now coaches know what to expect when they sit for certification.
Confusion can be costly and painful.
• Learning materials, like the detailed 15 Proficiencies Learning Guides
and recordings are already available here: These reference materials are priceless, when it comes to achieving coaching mastery.
• There are programs like the Seven Secrets of Certification, where you can
get help mastering the Proficiencies from mentor coaches who have already done it. They can help you understand what great coaching is really about and what it isn’t.
• Mastering the Proficiencies and becoming a Certified Coach means you’ve
passed Thomas Leonard’s definition of a great coach. As the coaching industry explodes, the quality of coaching that’s expected is soaring.
Thomas was way ahead of his time in establishing this extraordinary benchmark. Enjoy the cache. Only 52 of 10,205 coaches have passed, so far.
• Most of you are already familiar with the language of the Certified Coach
Proficiencies. Why confuse yourself with a new format that could slow your progress down by months or years? Take advantage of the head start you already have with this extraordinary coaching material.
**Please don’t read any criticism of the new IAC coaching material here.
It’s just too new to enjoy the above benefits.
Members of the Seven Secrets of Certification Practicums are enjoying rapid learning. Some have already passed and several more are currently submitting their recordings. Listen to some masterful coaching from two of them in this sample practicum:
The fee for the Practicums is going up this week. Beat the price increase, now. As a special New Years bonus, I will give a free coaching critique (Normal price: $200) to the next five coaches who sign up for the Seven Secrets of Certification. Go there now:
This program is for you if:
• You’re already a good coach
• You’re familiar with the 15 Certified Coach Proficiencies
• You’re ready, willing and able to spend the time, money and effort to
become a masterful coach
The Practicums will continue this month on Wednesdays at 5 PM ET and Fridays at 10 AM ET and I'm adding a third section on Mondays at 4 PM ET.
Here's what you get:
• Three 60-90 min sessions per month with an average of 5 participants
coaching and getting feedback. You're welcome to sit in on other sections, as well, at no extra charge.
• Just in Time Personal Coaching three times per month.
• A private web platform with 100's of Certified Coach resources and over
40 hours of critiques - it's one of the largest libraries of coaching critiques in the world - and growing quickly.
• Verbal feedback & written feedback on the most detailed scorecard that
you're likely to see.
• Opportunities to give your feedback - an important part of the learning
process. Opportunities to form triads with members and attend and/or host study groups with over 200 members.
• Opportunities to ask questions and clear up confusion. Most coaches put
off getting certified because they are just plain confused
• The energy to get it done. If you’re like most coaches, you plan to get
certified, but you’re really just drifting. You need to get into a strong supportive environment if you really want to get it done this year.
Once again, the price is about to go up. If you act fast, you can beat the increase and get a $200 coaching critique for free.
Once again, Happy New Year and Keep Being Great!
Julia Stewart, IAC-CC, CMC

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