Resources - Some New Offerings By Other Coaches I respect
Check out Don Morris's cool new WordPress blog for his new weekly virtual study group for coaches seeking IAC/Coachville certification called "Extraordinary Journey" on Tuesday, August 15, 2006, at 8:00 PM ET. Charge: $0.00 (can't beat that!). To learn more and register (must be a Coachville member or join free), go here:
Here is how Don describes what he is doing:
I need to do some more things to make it the best, but I am learning! Here's the URL:
I am not a mentor coach, but a peer (a "feellow traveler" on the road to masrful coaching). I want to submit my two coaching sessions for IAC certification in the next 3-6 months, too. Study groups provide a safe, supportive learning environment to practice and get feedback on he 15 proficiencies. And there are several AMAZING coaches already on board -- can you tell I'm excited? Plus, this study group is not just for Coachville SOC members. I am not one -- I just have the basic Coachville membership.
Speaking of IAC/Coachville certification, the work of Julia Steward is absolutely excellent. Her material is great even if you aren't interestedin IAC certification. It is just solid coach training. Here is what she has to say:
Given that changes are coming in the world of certification, anyone who has been studying the 15 Certified Coach Proficiencies by Thomas Leonard, should consider getting certified in them by the end of this year. Meanwhile, the majority of coaches who apply for IAC certification are still not passing.I’ve decided to share these Seven Coaching Masteries with you for FREE, so that they no longer are secrets, because I believe that if you’re like most coaches, you can coach at this level, once you learn how. This knowledge can make all the difference when it comes time for you to get certified. But it’s about much more than certification, it’s about masterful coaching, which has the power to transform lives!
I see this as the greatest service I can do for coaching, right now: freely sharing the Seven Secrets that distinguish truly great coaching from coaching that is merely good. AND it will help coaches get certified.
To begin receiving the FREE Seven Secrets of Certification eCourse, with over seven hours of MP3 recordings by email, go here:
Seems to me that there isn't a lot of quality on-going development for seasoned coaches. Here is on that might be of interest. Judy Feld is starting a New Mentor Coaching Group: Intermediate Level "Propel Your Practice" on Sept 11th. If you would like to receive a list of coaching topics and a registration form: E-mail to with "Monday PYP Topics" in the subject line. Here is what she has to say.
I invite you to apply to join a new intermediate-level Mentor Coaching group that will begin on September 11th--at a very popular Monday-morning (in the U.S.) time. I have expanded the material on alliance-building and group coaching--all proven, practical methods and models! Feel free to pass this along to other coaches (or discussion groups or SIGs) who might be interested in and qualified for an intermediate-level practice-building coaching group with a highly experienced Master Certified Coach and Certified Mentor Coach. I am also the Training Director and on the faculty for the Coaching Program at the University of Texas at Dallas' School of Management.
Mentor Coaching Group: "Propel Your Practice"
Leader: Judy Feld, MCC, CMC, MS, MAS
Program Manager, UTD Executive and Professional Coaching Program ICF President, 2003
FEE: $175/month for two one-hour group sessions.
Group Size: 8 coaches.

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