DASH coach reports infomercial flopped; says no coaches received referrals
Here is an important follow-up by Ken Winston.
Following is a copy of an email I just sent to 40-some coaches who were recruited by DASH to serve what was anticipated to be a flood of coaching clients once Mercury Media began airing an infomercial featuring DASH founder Eric Aronson.
According to one source, the informerical flopped and not one of the 100-plus coaches recruited received a client referral from DASH. (Coaches were required to pay $495 to join the referral system.)Ken was the was the founding editor of an online news magazine called Coaching Insider. He reported on DASH in Coaching Insider in early 2005. See:
For those of you on the list that weren't here for the original torrent of emails from the Dash folks - here's the chronology: Example of original emails:- Reaction to their spammy email tactics on this list:
Someone joins the COACHTALK-L list, fluffs up the company and then promptly leaves:
Stories in /Coaching Insider/:
- http://www.coachinginsider.com/ci/index.php/issue/story/coaching_infomercial/
- http://www.coachinginsider.com/ci/index.php/issue/story/dash_3/
Analysis from Coach Outlaws -http://coachoutlaws.blogspot.com/2005/03/dash-debacle.html
My thanks to Andy Wibbels for this update. Check out his new bestseller: http://GOblogwild.com/

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