Carnival Blog for Coaches ahead of its time.
It is with disappointment and amazement that I am revamping this blog . I am not amazed at the lack of interest – quite a few clicked through my announcements to check it out. I am rather disappointed. I sent out 21 personal invitations to coaches and of those I know half reasonable well. I heard back from four– three were interested one who encouraged me to select the postings to use. I also heard from two others who read about the concept on a list serve.
Why the lack of response? Could it be:
• Lack of interest in this concept
• Too busy – I know many of us are over extended
• Not computer savvy enough - I know this not to be the case with those I personally invited
• A limiting belief that one will get the business and not the other (disbelief in the law of attractions or abundance)
And so I am left with a decision. Do I spend more time trying to get this idea off the ground or do I simply let it die a natural death? I think the latter is best and that I use this blog for something else, sometime in the future. I don’t know how active this blog will be with all my own other commitments but I thought that this may be a better place to list resources as I discover them or read about them. It has become too difficult to update my “Key Resource’s page on my business web.

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