Upcoming Carnivals (Biweekly)
March (week 2) 2006 - Using Technology
March(week 4) 2006 - Career Transition Coaching
April (week 2) 2006 - Developing Products
April (week 4) 2006 - Leadership Coaching
May (week 2) 2006 - Getting Clients
May (week 4) 2006 - Life / Balance Coaching
June (week 2) 2006 - Packaging and Branding
June (week 4) 2006 - Relationship Coaching
Week two of the month is devoted to Building the Business, while week four topics are more specific to niche areas and all contain articles that either you or your clients might find of value.
How to Participate:
If you’d like to make a submission, send it to info AT wghill DOT com
1. Identify one of your posts that you’d like to publicize (perferably from the last three months)
2. Include the following information:
* Name of your Blog
* URL to your blog
* Your name (or the name you blog under)
* The title of your post
* Permalink to your post
* Brief summary of your post (25 words)
3. Make sure the subject line clearly identifies your submission as related to Best Blog Posts AND which month.
4. Publicize the Carnival the second and fourth week of the month when it is published.

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