The Coaching Forums launches it's 1st Podcast!
This is a very timely issue: Coach Supervision and I am glad to see this as the kick off topic for The Coaching Forums' first podcast. It features an interview with this month's competition sponsor, Edna Murdoch from The Coaching Supervision Academy. Edna talks passioniately about coaching supervision and it's role within the profession.
Speaking of the competition, here are the details.
What kind of clients/client situations take us to the edge of our comfort zone?
This month's competition is sponsored by Edna Murdoch of The Coaching Supervision Academy, and the prize is 2 coaching supervision sessions worth £200 with Edna herself. To win enter the discussion on "What kind of clients/client situations take us to the edge of our comfort zone?" The closing date is 31st May and the competition will be judged by Edna, good luck! Discuss here to enter and win.
Editorial by Roberta:
I am glad to see all the effort Jules Wright has been putting into this effort and I am looking forward to meeting her in person next week at the ICF Conference in Brussels. It seems ironic (or predictive) that I had set up teleclasses called The Coaches Forum in the Spring of 2001. This was evolved into the Coaching Debates (currently on hiatus but soon to be revived) in 2004. We had very similar debates as the ones in The Coaching Forums, so it is good to know that the dialogue continues.

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